All aspects of school's curricular and co-curricular activities are purely child centered. It is a proven fact that the children being born in this digital world are far ahead in their thinking processes and there is a paradigm shift in the trends of education over the past decade. Keeping in mind these shifting trends of education, Sree Narayana Public School offers a curriculum, which emphasizes activity oriented teaching and creates opportunities for the children to observe, explore, analyze and conclude, thus making them independent learners. Every class from Grade 1 is equipped with SMART boards incorporating the latest electronic technology. The interactive board turns a typical classroom into a fun learning environment. It enriches classrooms by providing hands on collaboration and creating the perfect learning setting.
English, Hindi, Malayalam
Mathematics, EVS
Art & Craft, Music
Computer Awareness
General Knowledge
Moral Instruction
Physical & Health Education
Sree Narayana Kindergarten aims at developing the total personality of the child promoting free expression, appreciation, enjoyment and discovery. We endeavour to take account of individual needs and build on kids own skills and experiences in order for them to achieve their full potential.
Realizing that learning abilities and capabilities at different stages are diverse, children are tutored and nurtured at their level of understanding. Our kids are groomed to become self-reliant and responsible individuals. Singing, dancing and activity oriented methods for fine motor development are the motivating tools used to bring about the overall development of the child.
English, Hindi, Malayalam
Mathematics, EVS
Art & Craft, Music
Computer Awareness
General Knowledge
Moral Instruction, Life Skill Education
Physical & Health Education
English, Hindi, Malayalam
Mathematics, Science, Social Science
Art, Music
Computer Awareness
General Knowledge
Moral Instruction
Physical & Health Education
Primary Education has been identified as the most crucial stage in the education of a child. The aim of Sree Narayana Primary is to provide a sound foundation in the development of a child's personality and his/her understanding of good and bad.
The Primary level sees the students being readied to face the rigors of the Secondary and the Higher Secondary CBSE curriculum. Closer supervision and greater support from the teaching community is given to the students and their strengths and weaknesses identified and worked upon during the academic year. Thus regular teacher-parent interactions are augmented and remedies for problems or difficulties faced by students are offered.
Hindi / Malayalam
Mathematics, Science, Social Science
Art Education
Computer Awareness
Work Experience
Physical & Health Education
The students of the High School are trained to handle the increasing demands of academics, based on the CBSE curriculum. Hands on education, student-centric learning methodology, skill-based learning are some of the concepts that we at Sree Narayana have adopted to enrich academics.
The Higher Secondary stage assumes great significance as students for the first time move towards diversification. As such, they are better placed to exercise a choice of course keeping in view their needs, interests, capabilities and aptitude, which would enable them to cope with the challenges of future.
Change is the watchword at this stage of life. In order to equip the youth to cope with change in life it is essential that they be guided soundly and correctly.