The school follows the syllabus prescribed by the CBSE, New Delhi, to which it is affiliated. The medium of instruction is English.
Admission procedure is held by certain policies of the Management and by the conditions of age, ability and conduct.
At the time of admission the student should be personally introduced by the parent or guardian who will be responsible to the school authorities for his/her studies and conduct.
Birth Certificate should be produced while seeking admission.
Students seeking admission from other schools should bring Transfer Certificate & Progress Report Card of the last class they studied/exam passed.
Children seeking admission to LKG should have completed 4 years of age as June 1st of the given year and 6 years for Class 1.Those applying for admission to LKG, UKG and Class 1 must produce their birth certificate.
Admission to Class II to Class IX and Class XI are decided on the basis of entrance test. These students are required to furnish their Progress Report Cards from the school where they studied previously.
Admissions for students to Class XI are selected on the basis of the Class X results, test and interaction. The application for students to XI can be collected from the school office.
● No Student shall be absent from class without sufficient
reason. Parents / guardians must claerly state the reason for the
absence in the Leave Record of the School Year Planner.
● Students are not allowed to go out of the campus during school hours,
including recess time.
● Those who absent themselves without prior permission shall
not either the class without Principal's permission.
● Students are not permitted to avail leave for social functions,
tours or holidays while the school is in session. Similarly atudents are not
allowed to remain absent on the first day of opening and closing days of
long breaks or special holidays.
● Unauthorized absence of more than 15 days will lead to removal
from the rolls.
● Students suffering from contagious diseases will not be permitted
to attend the school. In case of serious illness the Principal must be
informed within 3 days and a Doctor's certificate to be submitted.
● During the month of May, special classes for High School and Senior
Secondary will be conducted. Attendance is compulsory.
● 85% attendance is compulsory for every child to appear for the
Annual Examination.
● Punctuality is a much cherished value in the school. Students who
make it a habit of coming late will be sent home at the fourth instance after
3 warnings as is recorded on the Defaulter's Record.
● The school does not encourage children to be taken early or
brought late to school. In case it unavoidable, the parent must send a note
to the class teacher, seeking permission.
*White socks and white canvas shoes with lace to be worn along with house uniform on all Wednesday.
*Being rainy season, students have to wear black strapped sandals during 1 st Term.